Cant uninstall bluestacks app player
Cant uninstall bluestacks app player

cant uninstall bluestacks app player

Open the Applications folder, which you’ll find by opening a new window in the Finder (icon with a blue face), or clicking on the hard disk icon. How to Uninstall on a Mac Exit the program you want to delete. We highly recommend you sync your game-data with a social media account, before proceeding with the steps below. NOTE: Upon completely uninstalling BlueStacks 5, all your applications, instances and game-data will be removed. Drag the app over the Uninstall icon and when it turns red, drop the app. You should see an Uninstall icon appear near the top of the Bluestacks window. Click and hold on to the app you want to uninstall. How to uninstall Bluestacks apps Launch Bluestacks and choose the My Apps tab.

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  • Cant uninstall bluestacks app player